Exodus 2

2. Onkey Begins the Journey

2.1. In the Summer of the seventy Shroom Cycle, Onkey begins his journey to the Garden through the mountains in the North.

2.2. In the start of the Winter of the seventy Shroom Cycle, Onkey arrived to the Kingdom.

2.3. At that time, the Plamals that guarded the corner of the Kingdom have abilities to poison and disable deserters. The Guards were not prepared to deal with an intruder.

2.4. As Onkey was immune to Poison, it sneaked past the Guards and entered the Kingdom.

2.5. Onkey fed on Worms in the Kingdom through that Shroom Cycle.

2.6. By the Autumn of the next Shroom Cycle, Onkey was captured by the Guards.



Exodus 1