Genesis 4
4. Shroom enters the Garden
4.1. After the Garden stopped expanding, Jin travelled to the mountains to the North of the Garden to look for suitable earth to feed on.
4.2. Jin then returned to the Garden after ten Winters due to the lack of suitable earth.
4.3. Unknown to Jin, grass and mushrooms started growing on Jin’s excretion left in the mountains. These grass and mushrooms do not live past Winter.
4.4. Ten Winters after Jin’s return to the Garden, one of the mushroom did not wither during Winter. By the next Spring, that mushroom grew a head and body of a snake. By the next Winter, the being takes the form of a snake with a mushroom at the tail. The being named itself as Shroom.
4.5. For the next fifty Cycles of Seasons, Shroom fed on other grass and mushrooms. At the end of this period, Shroom found that there were not enough food in the mountains and travelled to the Garden to find suitable food.
4.6. When Shroom entered the Gardens, it was happy to find out that Plamals exist. The joy was short-lived as the other Plamals started to hunt down Shroom.
4.7. Like other Plamals in the Garden, Shroom developed skills and ability to hunt and defend itself.
4.8. During the first Winter that Shroom entered the Garden, it discovered that it hibernates in the Winter and almost lost its life while hibernation. Every Cycle of Seasons after that, Shroom will hide in the mountains every Winter and hunt in the Garden during the other Seasons.
4.9. On the tenth Spring that Shroom had entered the Garden, it developed the skills of paralysis, poison and reproduction through sporing. Shroom will consume the mushrooms it produce as food and to prevent another like itself from emerging.
4.10. Up until this point of time, the Plamals still respected the Elders and followed their commands. Shroom detest the Elders because of their lack of strengths and had the ambition to replaced them as the Ruler of the Garden.
4.11. Shroom challenged the Elders during Autumn thinking it will be individual contest between it and the Elders. To Shroom surprise, all the Plamals started protecting the Elders with the more ferocious Plamals started attacking Shroom when the challenges was issued. Shroom almost died during the challenge and retreated back to the mountain.
4.12. In the next Spring, Shroom entered the Garden and begin its conquest to subdue some of the Plamals to serve as its minion.
4.13. By that Autumn, Shroom challenged the Elders again. While Shroom’s minions fought with the Plamals, Shroom made its way to the Elders. Shroom activate its spores that paralysis and poison its foes until it reaches the Eldest.
4.14. Shroom paralyse the Eldest who immediate surrendered to Shroom. The other Elders started to flee seeing that the Eldest was captured.