Genesis 6

6. Seeds of a New Hope

6.1. In the Spring of the first Shroom Cycle, Tie reached the wasteland to the West.

6.2. Tie managed to find a large plot of barren earth in the wasteland and started feeding on the earth. It took ten Cycles of the Seasons before the first common Worm appear in the wasteland. It took another fifty Cycles of the Seasons before the plot was covered with grass, Herbs, Shrubs and Creepers.

6.3. Yin’s carcass nourished the water and land in the Lake. It took ten Cycles of the Seasons before the first seagrass started growing at the bottom of the Lake.

6.4. In the Spring of the sixty Shroom Cycle, the first Plamal matured from the fruits of a Herb in the wasteland. In the same Cycle, Plamal starts to appear in the South near the Lake.

6.5. In the Spring of the sixty Shroom Cycle, a young Elder name Shi was born.


Exodus 1


Genesis 5